How to Approve a 'Pending Approval' Invoice

If you have an invoice that has been edited by the school, for example to change the date or price, or if the school has added an invoice for you to pay in your pre-existing program, you will need to approve the changes. 

This provides you the ability to accept or dispute the changes made, or the invoice that was added. 

Note that paying by cash or cheque is not a valid reason to dispute an invoice; the school can still 'mark as paid' your invoice by cash or cheque, even when your invoice is in 'Pending Approval' status.

The changes that are pending your approval can be viewed from your 'Programs' tab, as shown here:

By clicking Review Changes you will have the opportunity to approve or dispute the changes, as shown here:

The previous example shows 1 change needing approval, but the ability to approve multiple changes in bulk exists as well - by choosing Approve All Changes.

So just click approve and you're all set, then you can return to your Enrollments tab if you'd like to view the payments in detail.

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